Qualico Blog

Does the NHS need to invest in auditor training?

Stafford Hospital.

The recent problems experienced at Mid-Staffordshire NHS Trust have highlighted to us at Qualico the importance of effective management controls and auditor training.

As the Mid-Staffordshire example has shown, the culture of an organisation has a significant impact on quality – regardless of the industry sector.

Effective management requires control of behaviours before issues arise, to ensure preventive and protective measures are implemented whenever possible.

We provide four workplace health management courses, to prevent and manage employee healthcare issues.

Through integrated management system auditor training we can help identify risks, ensure effective controls, and determine root causes when things start to go wrong – and, more importantly, prevent recurrence of the same issues in the future.

If you’d like to find out more about quality, environment and health and safety auditor training, or internal auditor training courses, please contact us here.

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