Training Courses

Qualico’s expert Trainers have a first class reputation for producing auditors who understand their organisation’s needs and provide a valuable return for the time and effort put in. We develop courses to meet your individual needs, as well international standards such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

Understanding our customers

We offer a bespoke, cost-effective option of bringing training in-company. Saving you time and money, we will include the specific demands and needs of your organisation. Your staff will be part of the discussions and can focus on areas relevant to their positions, company issues and how these may affect different departments within your company.

About Our Trainers

Our Trainers are professional auditors. We all practice what we teach and create an atmosphere of learning that is relevant, enjoyable and – dare we say it – fun!  We believe knowledge is retained if the learning experience works for you.

All courses are supported by delegate course notes and presented using a variety of learning styles.

Talk to us to get the best course available for your company, at your company.

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